

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I got about 40%. I think the food is more important. You'll get to the water. Yeah, I enjoy shopping!

    @cbabie Oh gosh that sounds miserable! Great NSV, staying away from the cookies. WTG! It is nice to work outside. I didn't do it yesterday but maybe I will today. Yeah, I can't imagine you'd get much work done with baby girl running around! :D

    Hi all. I had a slight gain this week (+0.6 lbs). I'm not surprised, I didn't eat that well for part of the week. This week, I will prep some snacks to have on hand as that was my downfall last week. I need to go through my clothes one more time and try things on to see what looks flattering and what doesn't: I'm going to get rid of anything that isn't flattering. I'll take a picture of each outfit to see if I like the way I look in it.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited February 2021
    @cbabie Good self control from walking away from the cookies. I like those fitbit numbers much better.

    @trooworld Weight loss is not linear. I mean it would be nice but that's not usually reality. that's great that you are preparing for next week. It's all in the planning I think and then sticking to those plans. I got 33%

    Green Day-Stayed OP 30/30 +6 weekly points o:)
    Exercise-YouTube cardio video 23 min walking 16 min o:)
    Zone minutes 46 minus 2 due to inactivity 6/8 o:)
    Water 2/6 :|
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld You will get that gain off next week! Prepping snacks is a good idea since that is something you struggle with. Taking pictures of you in an outfit is a great idea. I’ve also taken a video of myself in an outfit so that you can see it from all angles and in movement. Give it a try! ;)

    @cbabie Sorry that allergies are attacking you so badly. Good for you for saying no to those cookies! That is amazing self-discipline and I know that you are proud of yourself. I did something similar this morning. :)

    Hello all! Today, is the end of my month for weighing in and I managed to lose 1 pound. I wish it would have been more but with the trip to Florida and getting back on track I'm happy it wasn't a gain. I didn’t do very well yesterday and got into foods that are NOT part of my plan. This morning, I left early for work and had this thought that I would go through the Starbucks drive-thru and get a latte and maybe some breakfast. Afterall today was weigh-in so I would have the rest of the week to get the weight off. I was just about to pull in when I said NO, and drove past and got on the road that leads to the church. I worked five hours with just electrolyte water and had something to eat when I came home. I really like the feeling of being in control better than when I lose it. Now just to bottle that feeling and uncork it when I need it. :grin:
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Afternoon all, well I wish I could say today was a good day for weight control..but NOT. I got into the wheat thins and mindlessly ate, didn't get on my treadmill, but I did take baby girl for a walk. So I have to be more mindful the rest of the day. I have a lot of emotions right now and I am happy that I am still making good choices more than not.

    @trooworld I should go through my closet and get rid of MORE things...I just keep hoping I will get back down and oh you can't have too many black dress shirts. LOL.

    @theslightedgeforever glad I could make you a little happier >>LOL Great job staying OP

    @TeresaW1020 I am so proud of your inner strength...when you figure out how to bottle that, let me know.. I need to pull on my resources.. :). great job on the loss...a loss is a loss.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @theslightedgeforever Thanks for the reminder. I'm down a couple of pounds since yesterday, just to prove your point. I got 25% again!

    @TeresaW1020 Girl, I already have it off as of this morning lol! That's a good idea to take a video. Oh, I agree, feeling in control is so much better! Congrats on the loss and staying in control! <3

    @cbabie Well, at least you took baby girl for a walk? I like how you assessed your day BEFORE the end of it so you know what you still need to do. Black dress shirts: NO! You cannot have too many! ;)

    Hello all. I'm down -1.6 lbs, I have now lost 25.6 lbs, the equivalent of a car tire! I am 30% to my weight loss goal. Last night, I did a bit of self-care: I am trying something new by putting coconut oil on my hair and I let it sit with a shower cap over it for about 2-3 hours and then washed it out. I also put a mud mask on my face. It feels good to take care of "ME". Today is a busy day: I have to pick up groceries, have a video visit with a doctor about a possible sleep study, take the dog back to the vet to get stitches out (he had a mass removed), and pick up some clothing from Kohl's. Have a great day!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good day all. Been ages since I have been on. Been doing alright. Weight has dropped down to 158 final and my eating has been a lot better. Just got myself a new Fitbit Versa 3 so that my new motivation. Just finished 45 min on the treadmill burning 456 cals.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Afternoon all, I did not so well still last night eating. My stomach was so bloated and I just felt icky. Here we are another day and I did get my walk on the Treadmill, (only got in a few min)picked up a book from the library and been doing laundry. I have been trying to look back and see how my life of eating habits have changed. One thing I see is I used to buy low fat, fat free, etc..then I read that was not healthy, so I buy butter, 2 % milk, etc. I think after looking at this ugly 63 year old body, I need to watch my fat content. I am just not sure how much fat is good and healthy.

    @trooworld Yea on the loss, I laughed as I could see you with a car tire around your waist.. (I look like I have a tire under my shirts..LOL). I am happy to hear you taking care of you, I am trying to do that more myself.

    @renaegry Good to see you stop by. Yea on weight loss..I am babying my Fitbit Blaze...I have to charge it if it gets to the wrong screen, the button is broke on the left side to change screens. LOL. I want the Versa 3, do you like it so far? I am trying to make it something I buy myself after I am a little more consistent in my tracking and exercise. LOL

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    @cbabie I love it. The screen is awesome. Shows you way more on watch then my old one. After my exercise when I ended it in watch it told
    Me wait to go Renae. So motivating. The watch vibrates when you change heart rate zones which I love. Overall I love it.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    Green Day-Went Over 37/30 +22 weekly points :(
    Exercise-Rest Day :(
    Zone minutes 0 :(
    Water 1.5/6 :|
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie As a Keto girl, I would have to say that I think eating fat is very healthy. Of course, you want the right kinds of fat. Seed oils, like canola and corn, are horrible and should be avoided at all costs. I would look at your processed foods and of course sugar as the main culprits for an unhealthy diet. I have a very good friend who is a vegan and eats super low fat. We have fun debating each other but we always agree that processed foods are the worst. :)

    @trooworld My mom used to put mayo in her hair. :grin: I think taking “me” time is great! How did you like the coconut oil treatment? I haven’t used a mud mask in years. I might need to look for one the next time I’m at the store.

    @renaegry Good to see you checking in and doing so well. :)

    @theslightedgeforever Not the best day, huh? You will turn it around. :)

    Good morning and a happy new month! February wasn’t the best and I have to do better! Having said that tomorrow is my B-day. I’m turning 55! :# We are going to go out for brunch to a place called Mama’s Boy. I already know that I’m getting the salmon cakes Benedict with capers & chive hollandaise. It’s served with a huge biscuit and spring greens. So, no Keto tomorrow! Plus, DH said there might be some wine and chocolate happening too. <3 But it’s one day out of 31 days and I’m not planning on letting that stop me from sticking to my plan the rest of the month. It’s going to be hot here before I know it and I want to go clothes shopping! Eye on the prize is my motto for March.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @renaegry Congrats on the new Fitbit! And well done @ the 158!

    @cbabie I'm sad that you called your body ugly. All bodies are beautiful, they allow us to walk around without assistance, they allow us to hug our beautiful families, etc. Please don't call yourself or your body ugly, my friend. LOL about the car tire...I FEEL like I have one around my waist but I'm working to get rid of that "tire" lol. I'm glad you are trying to take care of yourself.

    @theslightedgeforever Keep trying, don't give up!

    Hi all. Not much happening here. The weekend went by too quickly and now I have to go to the job site today. I went over my weekly and daily points on Saturday, I need to quit doing that. Yesterday, I went on a hike in the canyon right beside my condo. It was challenging for many reasons.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I can see mayo being healthy for your hair. Certainly more healthy than in food lol. The coconut oil treatment: I think it made a difference! I think it will take several weeks of doing it consistently once a week to make a real difference but my hair seemed more healthy already. Yeah, I use a really good mud mask and it makes a difference. HAPPY BIRTHDAY a day early!!! Salmon cakes benedict sound amazing! Same with the wine and chocolate!

    Hi all. I forgot to say two things: I lost -2.6 lbs last month. That's not the rate I want to be at so I need to pump up my efforts. The second thing I wanted to say was: I fit into size 16 jeans! I was a size 18 the last time I bought jeans but I now fit into size 16. Woot woot!

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry I went off the grid for a bit. I was having a rough mental health time with exhaustion and overwhelm (work stuff, life stuff, school stuff, the whole 9 yards).

    I didn't eat the best, but I didn't do the worst either. At the very least I stuck with exercise which was good. I'm hopping back on track today and I've got healthy meals and activities planned out for the week. I hope you all are well, sorry I can't catch up on all the messages I missed!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,388 Member
    Hi All! Going to work on my March goals. Made it to Zumba 3x last week. Hoping to do the same this week.


    Hope all is well with you all!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,237 Member
    edited March 2021
    @teresaw1020 Happy Birthday. I don't have a problem with fat except for what's on my body. :D But my macros usually run heavier on the fat versus carbs and protein. But my cholesterol is really good so i'm not really worried about it right now. Here's to a good March.

    @trowoorld Woohoo on your weight loss. Your hike sounds so fun. Nice to get out in nature and move your body. I should try the coconut oil treatment. I have tried just using straight coconut oil but I hate the smell. It didn't smell like good suntan oil smell. lol That smell I love. Double woohoo on your jeans. Even if you aren't losing at the rate you want, you are still being consistent and showing progress.

    @mswatson0777 Glad to see you back. I hope you are refreshed and ready to go. You look like everything is planned out. just take a day at a time.

    @renaegry So what do you like most about the Versa 3. I'll be needing a new one soon. My Versa is not staying charged.

    @cbabie I'm glad to see you are being consistent in your exercise.

    @gemwolf110 Can't believe it's March already. I'm hoping the next 365 days is better than the last 365 days. Zumba is fun I think. Good for you.

    Yellow Day-Didn't track :(
    Exercise-55 min walking o:)
    Zone minutes 30 minus 2 due to inactivity 6/8 o:)
    Water 2/6 :|

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Afternoon all, Well I got on the scales Sunday and almost cried right there, went through the thought process...."I just won't eat food for 3 weeks... I then thought how stupid..LOL it works. but not quite healthy. Then I thought really what is it i need to do...I know my body, I have had it for a LONG time. :). So I am working on finding the groove that you all have found for each of you. One thing I know is sugar is my addiction and I need freed from that. There was a point in my life that I could of just had 1 slice of cake for an important event..but not today. I went on my walk around the neighborhood today...didn't feel like the treadmill. Too many things I had to get done. ff537g9r9lx1.png Numbers are different, but movement is movement in my world.

    @gemwolf110 I am there with you..February was not all that good emotionally. So hoping it's not the same in March.

    @mswatson0777 So sorry that's where you were, but I had a few of those myself...are you sure we didn't come from the same gene pool? LOL I hope things get better each day for for you.

    @trooworld Thank you for your stepping up and pointing out I need to change my image in my mind about my body and me. I know some of that comes from things I heard my whole life and some of it is the things that have been said to me this past couple of weeks. I so appreciate you!!! Congratulations on the LOSS that is good. You are being consistent and that creates habits that remain. I always feel the scale show some, but you know its the clothes and the way they fit that REALLY tells us that we are seeing results!!! Congrats on 16!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes I agree that the way I look at fat is not always healthy. I don't know that I could be a KETO girl...I like my carbs..LOL. Again, looking for what will work for me and I agree processed foods have to be the worst HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! ( well you will read this tomorrow...LOL I used to put mayo on my hair..I have had good hair most of my life, but there was a time about 2 years ago...not was STRESS. Sometimes we don't know really how much other things influence out health.

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    @TeresaW1020 happy birthday

    @theslightedgeforever love the screen of the versa 3. Love the alerts from changing heart rate zones. Has gps built right into the watch (havent been able to try that yet. Too cold. Hopefully this weekend forecast is for 9C). Little more interactive. After a workout tell me great job Renae.

    Hope everyone is doing well well. Been eating way to much since Friday. Way to much take out. Time to get back on track today. Meals planned out for the day plus plan a treadmill walk/jog followed by ab challenge and 100 squats
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,015 Member
    @mswatson0777 I'm sorry about your week. It sounds like you needed a break. Welcome back! <3

    @gemwolf110 Zumba 3x a week is a good goal.

    @theslightedgeforever Thanks! The hike was fun, we could see our building from the bottom of the canyon (but not our condo which is nice) but the rocks were so slippery, I actually fell once. I won't do that hike again. The treatment I did on my hair WAS just virgin cold-pressed coconut oil and it did smell like coconuts lol. didn't smell that way after I shampooed and conditioned. I was so excited when I fit into those jeans. Now, maybe it's just that brand that I fit into but so what! I got about 40% yesterday.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you had a bad weigh-in. You are dusting yourself off and getting back on the horse, I know it. Yes, movement is movement! You are welcome, my dear. I want the very best for you. Hitting the 16s made me want to do even better. I've had a rough week emotionally, too, and because of that, I haven't eaten the best.

    Hi all. This is not a good week for me: on Sunday, I received an upsetting email from a family member who declared they are upset with me. It was a punch in the gut and I haven't recovered yet. I ate poorly on Saturday and yesterday, I am -33 WW points for the week. I'll dust myself off today and get back at it but the damage is done.



    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,584 Member
    Morning all, I just finished my walk on my treadmill. I did much better eating yesterday. I tracked and I think the thing that helped me is I didn't eat until about 1 or 2. I think it changes my mindset for the day. So trying that again today. ap4eoiijw8it.png
    . My marcos were carbs 10% over goal Fat 18% under goal and protein 8% over on goal. LOL. I tried to put the graph in here, but it was so BIGGGG... I deleted it.

    @trooworld I am here to tell you, I know how it feels when a family member does that to you...It makes you question everything you think, say or do. I am trying to learn from it and be a better me. (Not what they think a better me is, but truly a better me) I still say you are doing great and YES you will pick yourself up and do this. They do NOT control your life, you know you better than anyone. I personally like who you are.. :)

    @renaegry I love to hear the things you like about it...makes me want one sooner, but I am going to try to stick to my plan! LOL

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooword, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!! <3 I am so sorry that you received upsetting news and that it’s affected you so deeply. I hope that you will bounce back and feel better soon. <3

    @renaegry Thank you for the birthday wishes! You will get back on track. :)

    @cbabie Thank you for the birthday wishes! I’m sorry that the scale made you sad. You do know your body and what will and won’t work for you. I’m like you and sugar is not my friend. I like carbs too but if I eat them consistently my weight just won’t budge. And boy did I just eat a lot of carbs!! See my post. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever, Thank you! Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about cholesterol at all from what my Keto doctors on the podcast I listen to have to say about it. But of course, if I had high cholesterol I would probably be doing more research. I do well with fat too but I am trying to not overdo it and keep the protein higher than the fat grams. Not always easy to do! :|

    @gemwolf110 Zumba is fun! I wish Beachbody had Zumba. They do have some country and hip-hop dance workout videos. Maybe I should give them a try. :grin:

    @mswatson0777 Glad to see you checking in with us. I was wondering if you were OK. I hope things are going better for you. You just have so much going on that you have to be extra diligent about self-care. <3

    Hi everyone! I’m sitting here stuffed to the gills! DH took mom and me out for brunch and then back home for chocolate cake and coffee. The cake was soooo good but I’m almost in a sugar coma at the moment and need a nap! :grin: I got some really nice gifts including a beautiful long necklace and a cool puzzle from DH. Mom got me two cast iron skillets, a food steamer, and some make-up. I can’t wait to cook something in the cast iron! 😊 We had quite a scare this morning when we found out that yesterday afternoon my 3-year-old great-niece swallowed a decorative glass bead that got stuck in her esophagus. They had to put her under anesthesia this morning to remove it. She is doing fine now and should be going home later today. Kids!!

    OK, I'm off to try to get more of this puzzle done that I'm currently doing. It's kicking my butt, but I love it. :D
